What Makes My Household Run Smoothly – Part 2

Two things I didn’t really worry about when I was single are meal planning and grocery shopping.  I just made sure I had options for each meal of the day and went from there. No fuss, just easy.

However, after I was married I quickly learned that my household runs smoother when I meal plan and make a set grocery list. It gives me one less thing to have to worry about at night, which helps me to feel organized and prepared. Also, it helps us budget wise too.  

Now, let me preface this by saying I don’t plan breakfast and lunch. I tend to buy foods for those that allow options. Some things are on the go, while others may take a little prep work meaning (5-10 minutes tops). It just depends on what we’re hungry for that week and what we have going on.

As for dinners, that’s where I make sure I have meal ideas and ingredients for at least six out of the seven nights.  I figure we’ll be away from home for at least one dinner a week if not two.

Let me share with you what I do.  

I bought a specific notebook just for my shopping list and meal planning. It came with a small pocket, which I like for my occasional coupons. (I’m not big into couponing since I try my best to shop the sales. I do applaud those who are!). In the notebook, I meal plan on one page and then make my shopping list on the page adjacent to it.  That way I can list out exactly what I need for each meal. If it’s a new recipe, I may even list that out too so I don’t forget anything.

I like to keep a running grocery list going at all times.  Not only to list out items that I need to get for breakfast and lunch but also to write down items that we run out of throughout the week.  

One other reason I like to keep a notebook is to get ideas for meals.  Sometimes I get in a rut of always making the same things, and this helps me glance back and remember other options for dinners.

I like to grocery shop midweek to get what I need for the upcoming weekend and to avoid the all the weekend grocery shoppers. I also limit myself to grocery shopping once a week.  I do this to stay on budget and resist the impulse buys.

All these little things added up do make life easier for me and our home.  

What’s one grocery shopping or meal planning tip that you have that makes your home run more smoothly?  

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